I don't think I quite realized how long five weeks away from home would be, especially given that a little more than two of them would be spent completely on my own. It's been really wonderful for me, as I have had the busiest year of my life with almost no time for myself - and now that's all I have! One of my goals for this trip was to try and center myself mentally, physically, and spiritually, so of course I joined a yoga studio. There's nothing like yoga to align all three of those things for me.
After a Google search and recommendations from my soon to be yoga-instructor sister, I found Triyoga in Chelsea. They had a great £20 for two week deal, which is perfect! I've been to three classes so far, one restorative, one Kundalini, and one Yin class, and they have been heaven sent, honestly. I haven't done much yoga in my life, but I think just based on my happiness factor after I've walked out of both classes, this studio is absolutely worth a try.
From their website: "The principle was to honour the tradition of yoga and create the sense that you were entering a sacred space. We wanted to dispel the illusion about who can practise yoga because it is for everyone – hence, ‘everyone triyoga'."
If you're ever in London and need some time to center yourself, absolutely go to Triyoga.
Image from Triyoga.