Wandering and Pondering in Edinburgh

I've decided that I'm going to post my outfits on here more frequently. As Miss Representation (and Gandhi) has taught me, I need to be the change I want to see! And I want to see more ethically conscious fashion blogs out in the Internet world. So I'll go ahead and blog about what I want to read! Julia and I had a great day tromping around Edinburgh today. We hit up The Elephant House (where JK wrote Harry Potter), the National Museum of Scotland, Parliament, and Holyrook Palace. More posts to come, not to worry!

 Second hand I bought: 
Isaac Mizrahi cardigan from LAUMC's rummage sale, 
bag from Crossroads, belt from Crossroads, 
necklace from the Fairfax flea market. 

 Other items: 
jeans from Urban Outfitters, 
tank from Nordstrom, 
shoes by Office, 
sunglasses from Target, 
watch by Marc Jacobs.

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