Two Thousand and Fourteen

And just like that, another year has dissolved on the horizon.  In the whirlwind of 365 days, my life has shifted and changed in ways I couldn't have possibly predicted.  Here I am, a new woman.  I've adventured from rustic backyard wine cellars that left me feeling like a quiet and slowly paced life might actually be possible, to the hurried yet inspiring bubble of Palo Alto (for all it's flaws, Palo Alto suits me best).  I left behind a job that shredded my compassion and my faith, and have found that despite working someplace since where I see daily miracles, I'm still lost.  But that's okay. 

I've barely processed all that's happened to me in 2014, but I do know it's been a launching pad for what I plan to do with my life.   Greater things are yet to come.

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